How It Works
How It Works
Get Powerful Customer Reviews Instantly
Get the most powerful customer reviews possible by capturing them on video! Using our proprietary app you can collect Video, Audio, or Written reviews from your customers in less then 30 seconds.
Your Best Marketing Automated For You
All you have to do is get the review and then SoTellUs takes care of the rest. Your 4 and 5 star customer reviews immediately show up on your website. You don't have to do anything, this process is automated.

The Social Proof Your Company Needs
Its not enough to just have a website these days. You need to be in front of your clients where they are hanging out, Social Media! With SoTellUs our system automatically shares your reviews on your social media sites. Let SoTellUs do the work for you!

What Potential Clients See When They Google You
Thanks to sites like Google and Amazon potential customers will research you and make a decision before they ever talk to you. When they search for your business online what are they finding? Luckily with our system when people search for your business your SoTellUs reviews can show up multiple times on the top of the search engines proving to those potential customers that you are the best company to do business with.

Get More Referrals
Once your customer is done giving you a review SoTellUs will instantly ask them to share their review and a special offer from you to all their Facebook friends. Their friends and family can click to claim the offer which will send you their contact info letting you know they just claimed the offer. It will even tell you who referred them. This way you can contact them to get them scheduled. 
How It Works
Custom Pricing For Your Business Needs
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for a free demo and pricing
Don't worry we hate spam too! You will not be spammed. 

88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Why are customer reviews so important? You can sum this up into one word, Trust.

90 percent of consumers say that their buying decisions were influenced by positive reviews.

Get Powerful Customer Reviews Instantly
Get the most powerful customer reviews possible by capturing them on video! Using our proprietary app you can collect Video, Audio, or Written reviews from your customers in less then 30 seconds.
Your Best Marketing Automated For You
All you have to do is get the review and then SoTellUs takes care of the rest. Your 4 and 5 star customer reviews immediately show up on your website. You don't have to do anything, this process is automated.

The Social Proof Your Company Needs
Its not enough to just have a website these days. You need to be in front of your clients where they are hanging out, Social Media! With SoTellUs thats as easy as clicking a button. You can easily share these powerful customer reviews to your social media sites. You get to choose which reviews you share with one simple click.
What Do Potential Customers See When They Google You
Thanks to sites like Google and Amazon potential customers will research you and make a decision before they ever talk to you. When they search for your business online what are they finding? Luckily with our system when people search for your business your SoTellUs reviews can show up multiple times on the top of the search engines proving to those potential customers that you are the best company to do business with.
Get More Referrals
Once your customer is done giving you a review SoTellUs will instantly ask them to share their review and a special offer from you to all their Facebook friends. Their friends and family can click to claim the offer which will send you their contact info letting you know they just claimed the offer. It will even tell you who referred them. This way you can contact them to get them scheduled. 

72% of consumers say that positive reviews make them trust a local business more.

85% of consumers say they read up to 10 reviews.

Almost 9 out of 10 consumers say they would pay more to ensure a superior customer experience. They trust your product or service is better because they feel referred.

Custom Pricing For Your Business Needs
Fill out the form to be contacted
for a free demo and pricing
Don't worry we hate spam too! You will not be spammed. 
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